
In autumn of 2009 a programme «Professional Improvement of Specialists of the Ukrainian Oil-and-Gas Industry for the International Co-operation and Employment in Western Companies» started to act, which was grounded by the Tutkovsky Institute and an All-Ukrainian public organisation «Ukrainian Association of Geologists». On the TUTKOVSKY’s initiative and invitation, the leading Ukrainian and foreign specialists are attracted in the educational process with giving lectures and specialized courses. Among them, lecturers from the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, AAPG, SEG, EAGE, EFG and other partners. Courses are organized on the basis of the Tutkovsky Institute, Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, other institutions. They are funded at the expense of sponsors, and therefore, for participants of the training programs these are free of charge. After successful completion of the course, participants are given a certificate of advanced training.

Date Measure or event  
November 14th, 2017 Institute of geochemistry, mineralogy and ore formation of the NAS of Ukraine held a discussion with regard to joint scientific research within the framework of the international Ukrainian-Slovak project, as well as the lecture by Igor Brosky "Accessory minerals of granitoids of the Northern Carpathians". Participants of the event: Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of geochemistry, mineralogy and ore formation of the NAS of Ukraine, PHEI Tutkovsky Institute.
October 28th, 2015 A lecture by Ray Leonardo (AAPG) was held at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Changeable world of natural gas: industry development forecast by 2030». It was organized by the IGS of the NAS of Ukraine, Tutkovsky Institute, and All-Ukrainian public organisation «Ukrainian Association of Geologists», SE «Naukanaftohaz» within the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
June 17st, 2015 Tutkovsky Institute organized a seminar «New technologies for modeling hydrocarbon reservoirs by means of the PETREL software package». Lecturers: Geologist of the TOV «Schlumberger Services Ukraine» A.Yu. Shibetska, geophysicist of the same company Ye.V. Ustenko.
October 8th, 2014 Within the framework of the international conference «Modern problems of lithology of sedimentary basins of Ukraine and contiguous territories» (IGS of the NASU, Kyiv) a series of lectures by Vitor Correia, the President of the European Federation of Geologists, EFG, took place: «Pan-European standard for reporting on exploration, mineral resources and reserves. Framework classification of the United Nations Organization», «Popularization of professional geology in Europe. Role of the European Federation of Geologists».
June 18th, 2013 Advanced training courses «Non-traditional hydrocarbons: hydrostimulation of cracks, seismic monitoring, and GDS capabilities». Lecturers: Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences Yu.K. Tiapkin, Candidate of geological sciences G.O. Kashuba. About 20 specialists from the TOV «Region», Research and Design Institute of PAT «Ukrnafta», Nadra Group of companies became participants of the programme.
April 24th, 2013 Advanced training courses «Modern geophysical methods for searching, exploration and monitoring of extraction of non-traditional hydrocarbons». Listeners were 20 specialists from the JV «Poltava Petroleum Company», PrAT «Ukrgazvydobuvannia», Regal Petroleum and Nadra Group of companies. The head of the programme, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, member of the European Academy of Sciences (EAS), American Society of Geoscientists-Explorers (SEG) and European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Yu.K. Tiapkin.
March 27th, 2013 Presentation of Paradigm company in such areas:
  1. Modern technologies of the Paradigm company for constructing in-depth images of the environment.
  2. Preparation and quality control of seismic data and GDS data for inversion transformations.
  3. The GEOLOG7 is a software package for processing and interpreting GDS data.

Lecturers: leading specialists of Paradigm company M. Yerchenkov, O. Inozemtsev, and K. Iziumova.
March 15th, 2013 In the Tutkovsky Institute, with the support of AAPG, the seminars were held: «Fissuring and variations of the stressed state in the structural traps of the Khuff formation, the eastern shelf of Saudi Arabia», «Changes of the paradigm in the interpretation of fissuring and its effect on the productivity of carbonate reservoirs at great depths. Study of deep-seated Permian-Triassic reservoirs in Saudi Arabia».
March 12th, 2013 Seminar «Features of using FairfieldNodal cableless equipment on land and sea during oil and gas prospecting for oil-and-gas fields». Presenters: The head of representative office of FairfieldNodal in Moscow D. Tomashin, technical manager FairfieldNodal (USA) Sheppard Dudley, chief a geophysics of TOV «LARGEO» S.V. Gorbachev. Over 20 participants of the seminar got acquainted with the history of FairfieldNodal Company – the leader in the field of modular seismic technologies with unique in the world fully cableless ZNodal system for use both on land and at sea.
July 20th, 2012 The first two-month semester of English language corporate courses for employees of geological and geophysical companies was completed within the framework of the program «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
April 3rd, 2012 Presentation of Paradigm Sysdrill program (Operations with profiles of wells, analysis of collision warning of well bores, review of engineering modules of the system, such as analysis of rotational torque and forces acting on the BHA, hydraulic analysis and analysis of cementation, etc.). Lecturers: leading specialists of Paradigm company M. Yerchenkov, A. Fedosieiev, K. Iziumova.
March 29th, 2012 With the support of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, lectures were held: «How the idea about gas-source rocks gave impetus to the search for shale gas – the geological and petrophysical evaluation of rocks enriched in organic matter». Lecturer: Quinn Passey, senior consultant for oil and gas potential assessment at Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Company (URC). The program was attended by 65 specialists from the DP NAK «Nadra Ukrainy», DP «Naukanaftohaz», TOV «NTP» Burova tekhnika», TOV «Burova Kompaniia Rudis», Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, PrAT «Nadra Center for data processing», IGS of the NAS of Ukraine, TOV «Yusein», TOV «Cadogan Ukraina», TOV «Yevrohaz Ukraina», etc.
March 16th, 2012 Visit of the third president of the association since the conclusion of the cooperation agreement between the Ukrainian Association of Geologistsand AAPG. Two previous president of the association – Robert Gris and Peter Rose – were also guests of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists. A cycle of four lectures by AAPG President Paul Weimer at the Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko: «New life of old deposits – management of the hydrocarbon reservoir», «Advanced methods of exploration of traditional HC accumulations», «Non-traditional resources: gas in superdense sandstones», «The future of the oil industry».
March 6th, 2012 Advanced training courses on a topic: «From plotting the seismic images to inversion». The information was posted by the Ph.D. specialized in the geophysical signal processing, the senior adviser on geophysics of the British company ION GX Technology Jan Jones. These were held in the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of the oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the Western companies» with the support of Shell company
February 14th, 2012 Lesson on a topic: «Fundamentals of oil and gas geology». Lecturer: Candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, associate professor of geological faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko V.V. Shunko.
November 23rd, 2011 Seminar for media workers in Ukraine «How geologists search for mineral products» under the patronage of the Tutkovsky Institute. Participants of the seminar obtained copies of the book of R.S. Furdui «Brother of the sun and wind» with the author’s autograph. Excursion to the plant PrAT «Geophysical Equipment Nadra» was held by the Chairman of the board V.V. Karmazenko and his first deputy – Chief engineer of the enterprise V.I. Rybak. It was stressed that the Tutkovsky Institute will continue to organize thematic seminars for the media representatives and all those who want to know more about the geology, mineral resources of Ukraine and the world, our environment and the planet Earth.
September 29th, 2011 Seminar of Paradigm company «25 years of innovations in the oil and gas industry» took place. Lecturers: leading specialists of Paradigm company – M. Yerchenkov, T. Olnieva, O. Inozemtsev, and K. Iziumova.
July 19th, 2011 Presentation of the LMKR GeoGraphix software for geological interpretation, petrophysics and mapping. The presentation was opened by the president of LMKR GeoGraphix – Peter Chalkraft; Detailed acquaintance of listeners with the programme was conducted by P. Morozov – Director of the Department of Business Development in Europe and CIS of the LMKR GeoGraphix company. The event took place in Kiev in the educational audience of the Tutkovsky Institute within the framework of the programme «Professional Improvement of Specialists of the Ukrainian Oil & Gas Industry for the International Co-operation and Employment in Western Companies».
June 14–15, 2011 Lectures of the Dr. Jaap Mondt (AAPG) «What geophysical data is not yet used» and «How to combine various types of geophysical data» took place in the Tutkovsky Institute classroom within the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
May 27th, 2011 Presentation of new perforating systems of the Halliburton Company. There were present: СП «Poltava Petroleum Company», Cadogan Petroleum PLC «Crimea Petroleum Company», GPU «Poltavahazvydobuvannia», ZAT «Naftohazvydobuvannia», Regal Petroleum, Naftohazekolohiia, ZAT «Nadra Group», ZAT «Ukrnaftohazgheolohiia», and also employees of the exploration and surface degassing service of the Leased Enterprise (LS) «Mine named after O.F. Zasiadko». The presentation was conducted by S. Makeiev – PEO leading engineer of the Department of GDS and PEO of Halliburton Company.
May 17–20, 2011 Course of lectures «Prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields. Industrial Geology». Lecturer: The manager of RAG company on projects in Ukraine Wolfgang Nahtman. It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute in the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
May 12nd, 2011 Course of lectures «Prospecting, exploration and development of shale gas, gas in compacted rocks, coalbed methane». Lecturer: Technical Director of Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production Dietmar Neuhaus. Organized by the Tutkovsky Institute together with Shell within the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
March, 30th, 2011 Course of lectures: «Mechanisms of deformation and limitations of the screening capacity of salt rocks: integrated multilevel approach to assess the salt pool», «Assessment of reservoir properties of unusual intra-salt carbonate sections: Late Proterozoic-Early Precambrian Ara formation of the South Oman salt basin». Lecturer: Professor Peter Kukla (AAPG). It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute in the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies». The training was attended by 48 representatives of the Center of Geological-Thematic Studies (CGTS) «Ukrnafta», Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, «Naukanaftohaz», Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, UkrDGRI, ZAT «Nadra Group», Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production, Black Sea State Regional Geological Enterprise (SRGE), etc.
November 29th, 2010 Seminar «Aspects of modern methods of search and exploration and development of production wells». It was Organized under the sponsorship of Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production jointly with the Tutkovsky Institute.
November 1st, 2010 Seminar «Economic attractiveness of methane-coal projects in Ukraine». Within the framework of the seminar the presentation of the Discovery Drilling Equipment Ltd was successfully held, the activity of which is the development and production of complete drilling rigs and assembly nodes to them for drilling and servicing oil and gas wells.
October 27th, 2010 Cycle of lectures «Analysis and assessment of the risks of searches and exploration for oil and gas». Lecturers: Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences I.P. Hafych, S.M. Davydenko, O.I. Hafych. It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute in the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies». The training was attended by 28 representatives of the DP «Ukrhazvydobuvannia», DP «Naukanaftohaz», VAT «Ukrnafta», NDPI «Ukrnafta», «UkrNDIgas», TOV «Cadogan Ukraina», TOV «Petroconsulting», ZAT «Nadra Group».
May 26–27, 2010 Cycle of lectures «Processing of seismic survey information and construction of seismic images of geological media». Lecturers: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, head of the seismic survey department of ZAO Concern Nadra G.D. Lisnyi, head of the computation center Yu.L. Renkas, chief geophysicist D.V. Makovenko. It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute. The training was attended by 20 representatives of the DP «Naukanaftohaz», TOV «Cadogan Ukraine», Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, DK ««Ukrhazvydobuvannia»«, ZAT «Nadra Group».
April 30th, 2010 Cycle of lectures «Comprehensive interpretation of geophysical materials relative to open hole wells, principles and achievements». Lecturers: candidate of Geological Sciences G.O. Kashuba, candidate of Tech. Sci. R.F. Fedoriv. It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute in the framework of the programme «Professional development of specialists of an oil and gas industry of Ukraine for international collaboration and work in the western companies».
April 26th, 2010 Cycle of lectures «The application of seismic anisotropy in the oil-and-gas industry». It was organised by the Tutkovsky Institute sponsored by Shell and Rudis companies.
November 11–12, 2009 Lectures by AAPG representative Frans van Buchem on the problem of oil-source and carbonate rocks:
  1. «The Barem-Aptian carbonate system of the East Arabian plate as an element of the global reference stratigraphic model»
  2. «Stratigraphic features of the spreading of oil-source carbonate rocks on the example of the inner shelf of the South Arabian plate in the Cretaceous period».
November 4th, 2009 Presentation of the programme «Professional Improvement of Specialists of the Ukrainian Oil & Gas Industry for the International Co-operation and Employment in Western Companies» within the framework of the International Exhibition of Oil and Gas Industry «Oil and Gas 2009». Representatives of the DK «Ukrhazvydobuvannia», VAT «Ukrnafta», Institute of Geological Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine, Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute (UkrDGRI), PDTGP «Pivnichheolohiia», Kyiv Geological Prospecting Technical College, All-Ukrainian Public Organization «Association of the drillers of Ukraine», Shell and others. The educational process under the program is carried out by attracting of leading Ukrainian and foreign specialists to the doing lecturing and specialized courses.