Services and products for production companies

On the order of the production companies, TUTKOVSKY provides comprehensive services, carries out production and supply of materials and equipment to support the various projects related to the study and use of natural resources.

Through the participation in relevant tenders, we conclude contracts with the customer for the full range or certain kind of services or products equipment required to implement the projects. TUTKOVSKY, under the terms of a transparent internal competition, determines the suppliers of services and products of the international Hub that assumes the functions of leading contractor and attracts other Hub’s suppliers as subcontractors. In this case, all responsibilities for the quality and price of the full range of services and products lie on TUTKOVSKY, on whose behalf the leading contractor acts.

As the world’s leading service companies and as market leaders, TUTKOVSKY develops its own technologies and produces related equipment. The design and manufacture of geophysical, exploration and other equipment at the TUTKOVSKY affiliated manufacturing enterprises are designated not only and not so much to satisfy the needs of our own service companies but also the needs of the open market.

TUTKOVSKY is guided by the principle that the development and the sale of technologies and equipment is a specific business, not directly associated with the provision of services. TUTKOVSKY believes that the client should obtain the best service that provides the best software products, technologies and equipment that are available in the open market and appropriately recommended themselves.

TUTKOVSKY service companies use its own technologies and equipment only when they have been tested and approved by industry specialists as well as obtained an appreciation from the clients.

Such an approach favourably differs from the practice of the big companies. In providing their service, big companies tend to use the software, technologies and equipment of its own design, most of which are closed and not for sale to other service companies. But only sales on the open market can determine a fair price of the equipment services and to prove its advantages and effectiveness.

We believe that this structure of the TUTKOVSKY services is mostly in the interests of customers. As the whole process under the project related to the study and use of the specific natural resource, and its logistic support will be comprehensible and transparent, the customer will always know a real situation and will take the best decisions.


Provision of the full range of services to projects related to the study and use of natural resources

TUTKOVSKY provides the production companies’ projects with a necessary range of services on the revealing, study, development and exploitation of fields of energy and mineral raw materials and underground waters. Also, TUTKOVSKY provides production companies with comprehensive services on the study and use of land, water (surface water) and non-conventional energy resources. These services include the assessment of the impact of implementing the new and existing projects on the environment, eliminating negative consequences of production activities and preventing environmental risks.


Services on the study and the use of the energy (oil, gas, solid combustible minerals), mineral (ore, non-ore and production wastes) and water (underground waters) resources

Energy resources

Oil and gas


  • Analytical reviews of the market of hydrocarbon raw materials;
  • Analysis of potential investments in the oil and gas exploration and production; preparation of reports under the international standards to attract foreign investment and asset management: CPR (Competent Person Report), Reserves Audit, Development Plan, MDP (Masters Development Plan);
  • Geological and economical evaluation of oil and gas production projects, risk analysis;
  • Development and comprehensive support of investment projects;
  • 3D modelling of geological deposits and estimation of hydrocarbon reserves;
  • Creation and maintenance of databases for different purposes;
  • Spatial optimization of oil and gas transportation networks considering their capacity, topography, geological and technical conditions;
  • Modelling and prediction of hydrocarbon recovery within the strata and deposits;
  • Modelling of accidents and oil spills, development of optimal procedures for their removal;
  • Elaboration of ecological chapters in the pre-design and design documentation.

Prospecting and exploration of fields

  • Analysis of results and quality of previous exploration works;
  • Substantiation of volumes and types of exploration works;
  • Planning of exploration works and their feasibility study;
  • Field geophysical investigations:
    • 2D, 3D, 3С seismic survey;
    • Combining 3D seismic survey with high-precision gravimagnetic and other geophysical investigations;
    • Vertical seismic profiling.
  • Drilling of oil and gas exploration wells:
    • Selection of drilling technologies, design: drill bit programme and drill string bottom layout; drilling fluids; trajectory of bore and design of casing strings; casing cementing;
    • Drilling process monitoring and supervision;
    • Geological analysis of core and cuttings.
  • Well logging and well services:
    • Full range of open hole logging in oil and gas wells;
    • Identification and evaluation of hydrocarbon saturated formation behind the casing;
    • Geo-technological studies and mud logging while drilling;
    • Formation testing while drilling;
    • Investigation of plugged and abandoned production wells and control of inflow profile and of actual hydrocarbon-saturation of formations;
    • Monitoring of well technical condition and casing inspection;
    • Monitoring of well operation, formation testing;
    • Well perforating operations.
  • Processing and interpretation of geological and geophysical data from field and well logging investigations, creation of geological models of fields:
    • Acquisition and analysis of data, converting them to digital formats, creation of databases;
    • Re-interpretation of the old geological-geophysical information using modern techniques of data processing;
    • Integrated geological-geophysical data processing and interpretation;
    • Constructing of geological models of fields, the forecast of development of reservoirs and their petroleum potential;
    • Analysis of seismic attributes, AVO-analysis and other specialised data processing methods for the forecast of parameters of oil and gas bearing horizons and operation objects on the acting fields in the course of their supplementary exploration.
  • Geological and economic (GEE) and technical and economic (TEE) evaluation of hydrocarbon reserves: estimation and audit of reserves according to international standards;
  • Drafting projects of pilot and industrial development of oil and gas fields;
  • Preparation of prospective areas and oil and gas deposits for the stock exchange evaluation.

Field development and production facilities construction:

  • Control of work, information support of the well workover and well stimulation operations:
    • Analysis of open hole well logging data to establish the potential opportunities of the exploited object, identification of bypassed formations, etc.;
    • Analysis of the results of the study wells with the aim of establishing the actual operating parameters, revealing of skin-effects, effectiveness of recovery of reserves, etc.;
    • Analysis of the well operating results, effectiveness of the well workover and well stimulation works with the aim of establishing the problems of their operation, state and volume of residual reserves;
    • Control of the producing reservoirs and wells’ technical condition by well-logging methods;
    • Planning well workover and well stimulation works, justification of types and technology for planned works;
    • Modelling of well workover and well stimulation results, forecasting of their economic efficiency;
    • Information support of the well workover and well stimulation works;
    • Well perforation, including overlying horizons and bypassed formations;
    • Control of the producing reservoirs by well-logging methods;
    • Monitoring of well production by running pressure-temperature memory gauges.
  • Design and construction of the oil and gas pipelines and underground gas storages;
  • Creation of hydrodynamic models of the oil and gas deposits and fields as well as of the underground gas storages;
  • Well logging projects and database management;
  • Environmental audit and support of oil and gas projects.

Services related to natural gas exploration and production from unconventional resources:

  • Expert appraisal of the coal fields and coal mines dangerous on methane factor and implementation of the effective degassing methods;
  • Elaboration of technical and economic substantiation of expediency of implementing the effective degassing methods;
  • Geological assessment of the unconventional resources of hydrocarbons: shale and tight gas reservoirs; coal bed methane; gas hydrates.

Coal and other solid combustible minerals: hard coal, lignite, sapropel coal; peat; pyroshales, etc.


  • Analytical review of the market of solid fuels, expert evaluation of raw materials;
  • Selection and investment analysis of licensed areas;
  • Comprehensive estimation of potential resources of the main combustible raw material and of associated by-produced minerals;
  • Providing proposals for the application of effective technologies of the integrated field development;
  • Analysis of field development risks and elaboration of recommendations for their minimisation.

Prospecting, exploration and field exploitation:

  • Exploratory routing studies and geological mapping;
  • Field geophysical and well logging surveys and their interpretation;
  • Drilling of exploration wells;
  • Excavation of exploration mine working;
  • Geological support of drilling and mining operations;
  • Testing and analytical studies of samples;
  • Laboratory and industrial technological investigations of solid fossil fuels;
  • Engineering and geological investigations;
  • Hydro-geological and hydrological studies;
  • Selection and development of the most economical and ecologically safe technologies of extraction, processing and enrichment of coal, other solid fuels, by-produced raw materials (methane, germanium, etc.), processing and storage of mill tailings and production wastes;
  • 3D modelling of fields, estimation of reserves of basic and accompanying minerals, geologic-economic and technical-economic evaluation of the feasibility of exploitation in accordance with the requirements of the Joint Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO);
  • Design and construction of mining enterprises with underground, open and combined methods of field development;
  • Design and construction of processing plants;
  • Geological support of coal mining and accompanying mineral resources and their additional exploration throughout the life cycle of a field;
  • Health, safety and environmental protection.


Mineral resources

Ore, non-metallic (including resources of technogenic deposits and recycling of waste)


  • Analytical reviews of the market of mineral raw materials;
  • Selection and investment analysis of the licence areas, estimation of potential resources and risks of their development;
  • Selection of the methodology for study and assessment of technogenic deposits, determination of expediency of recycling the secondary raw materials.

Prospecting, exploration and field exploitation:

  • Exploratory routing studies and geological mapping;
  • Geochemical studies;
  • Field geophysical and well logging surveys, integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data;
  • Drilling of exploration wells;
  • Excavation of exploration mine working;
  • Geological support of drilling and mining operations;
  • Testing and analytical studies of samples;
  • Laboratory and industrial technological investigations of raw materials;
  • Geological support of drilling and mining operations;
  • Engineering and geological research;
  • Hydro-geological and hydrological studies, including prospecting and exploring underground drinking and technical water to supply the mining and ore-processing enterprises;
  • Selection and development of the most economical and ecologically safe technologies of extraction, processing and enrichment of mineral raw materials, processing and storage of mill tailings and production wastes;
  • 3D modelling of fields, estimation of reserves of basic and accompanying minerals, geologic-economic and technical-economic evaluation of the feasibility of exploitation in accordance with the requirements of the Joint Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO);
  • Design and construction of mining enterprises with underground, open and combined methods of field development;
  • Design and construction of processing plants and metallurgical enterprises;
  • Geological support of extraction and operational exploration throughout the life cycle of a field;
  • Health, safety and environmental protection.


Water resources

Underground waters


  • Estimation of regional resources of drinking, mineral therapeutic, technical, industrial and heat power waters, determining the prospects for their use;
  • Development of regulations, technological schemes and development projects of underground water deposits;
  • Design of water intakes, systems of drainage and protection of groundwater against pollution;
  • Forecast of possible changes in groundwater quality in the course of their exploitation and as a result of pollution;
  • Monitoring of underground water deposits, creation of information and analytical systems to conduct monitoring.

Prospecting, exploration and field exploitation:

  • Geological support of prospecting and exploration, estimation of exploitation reserves of different types of groundwater;
  • Construction of water intakes, drainages and protection systems of underground waters from pollution.


Services on the study and the use of land, water (surface water) and unconventional energy resources

Land resources

TUTKOVSKY performs a complex of works providing a rational use of the land resources, which includes a system of the interrelated measures structured on the level of tasks to be solved and technologically implemented:

  • Monitoring and analysis of information on the qualitative condition of soils, erosion safety, pollution by heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides and agrochemicals residues and other toxic substances of technogenic and natural origin;
  • Selection and substantiation of efficient use of land resources based on the ecosystem approach;
  • Conducting investment analysis land resources with the definition of expediency and efficiency of land use for the needs of plant growing, livestock, forestry, etc.;
  • Development of a business plan for the investment project of rational use of land resources;
  • Package of works on the ecological and agrochemical survey of soils and implementation of a rational use of fertilizers;
  • Implementation of effective new agricultural technologies, which provide for the preservation of soil fertility by means of biological and mechanical methods;
  • Creating the optimal structure of agricultural landscapes, restoration of a biodiversity, formation of highly productive ecologically sustainable agroecosystems and agrolandscapes;
  • Conducting agrotechnical, forestry, chemical, hydraulic reclamation of the natural environment to improve the natural conditions of the soils;
  • Implementation of modern environmentally safe and rational use of agrochemicals of chemical and biological origin;
  • Design, construction, reconstruction and modernization of irrigation systems on the basis of their environmental and reclamation condition;
  • Use of different irrigation methods (spreading of water, dropwise irrigation) for various agricultural crops depending on soil and climatic conditions of their cultivation, construction and technical condition of the existing network of irrigation systems;
  • Carrying out a detoxication of the irrigated soils polluted by heavy metals, which includes the soil washing-out, entering of adsorbents, phytomelioration, selection of tolerant crops;
  • Implementing the soil-agrochemical diagnostic study and elaboration of projects for establishing long-term plantings with calculation of planting density and determination of assortment of species that predetermine a future economic value, biological stability and productivity of wood crops;
  • Implementation of system and processing methods of soils for the forest cultures according to the natural conditions of the area, in which restoration works are carried out;
  • Recultivation of cutover peatlands and ensuring of the appropriate water mode of lowland peats and an application of combined fertilizers to increase agricultural land;
  • Conducting a package of agrotechnical measures on natural forage lands, which improves the conditions for grass growth;
  • Use of humic preparations for the elimination of negative impact of agrochemicals and different pollutants on the course of soil processes, increasing of water retention capacity of soils, activation of microflora of soil, intensifying the humification processes.

Water resources: surface water

Integrated services of TUTKOVSKY for the rational use of water resources:

  • Investigation of development of the hydrological phenomena and processes in natural and artificial water facilities;
  • Investigation of regularity of formation qualitative and quantity indicators of the water resource formed on the territory of water intake basins of the rivers;
  • Development of a plan for rapid response to water quality deterioration;
  • Cleaning of heavily contaminated industrial waste water;
  • Determining the quality of irrigation, drainage and waste water and monitoring of ecological-meliorative condition of irrigated and drained land;
  • Assessment of levels of flood hazard, forecast and simulation of the dynamics of channel processes in the basins of mountain and lowland rivers;
  • Design and building of hydro energy facilities, hydro amelioration systems and other facilities for the multipurpose utilisation of water reservoirs;
  • Design and building of anti-erosion engineering structures on slope lands and in the basins of the small rivers;
  • Development of measures on protection of water facilities of cross-border territories.

Unconventional energy resources

TUTKOVSKY’s services related to the use of unconventional energy resources: solar, wind, geothermal (including through the use of low-grade heat sources) energy, bio-fuels and biogas:

  • Developing the systems of energy supply with use of renewable sources and introducing energy-saving technology;
  • Advising on the selection, delivery and installation of alternative energy sources;
  • Design and building of alternative energy facilities;
  • Commissioning and maintenance of the alternative systems of power supply.

Besides, TUTKOVSKY provides specialised services:

  • Geophysical and geochemical surveys to select sites for building the geothermal facilities;
  • Drilling and construction of wells for geothermal heat pumps.

All kinds of activity, which in accordance with international and national legislation require special permits or licences, are carried out by TUTKOVSKY only after obtaining them.


Impact assessment of the implementation of new and existing projects on the environment, elimination of negative effects of production activities and preventing environmental risks

Use of any kinds of natural resources leads to an interference in the environment. TUTKOVSKY provides production companies a package of ecological services that include the measures that considerably reduces harmful action on all components of the environment, to liquidate the aftereffects of such impact if they originated in the course of development and the further field exploitation, or the use of other kinds of natural resources:

  • Evaluation of the design solutions with a view to correct the impact on the environment;
  • Assessment of environmental and social risks, development and implementation of measures to prevent risks;
  • Carrying out the background environmental and social studies;
  • Interaction with stakeholders during project implementation;
  • Work on the gathering, transportation, recycling or decontamination of hazardous chemicals;
  • The performance of a package of environmental protection measures for cleaning territories from oil contaminants and oil waste;
  • Planning and carrying out land reclamation at different stages of the project;
  • Reduction of equipment breakdown rate, a post-accident clean-up;
  • Protection and rational use of water resources;
  • Protection and rational use of land resources (soils);
  • Atmospheric air protection;
  • Disposal of waste production and consumption;
  • Ecological monitoring of the environment state of the licence areas;
  • Social and economic measures on living environment conservation.


Production and supply of materials and equipment for the support of projects on the study and use of natural resources:

The TUTKOVSKY International Hub carries out comprehensive provision of projects on the study and the use of natural resources with products of the affiliated enterprises – manufacturers of geophysical instruments, geological exploration and other equipment and a network of suppliers – manufacturers of mechanical, electrical, pipe, steel, chemical and other products, the range of which greatly satisfies the needs of such projects. Activity of the TUTKOVSKY Hub contributes to its partners in expanding the market, and allows customers to obtain materials and equipment at the favourable prices.

TUTKOVSKY exercises responsible management of chains of deliveries: selection and delivery of the nomenclature and complete equipment and materials of optimum efficiency and cost, which are indispensable for the implementation of projects on exploration and production of the energy (oil, gas, solid combustible minerals), mineral (ore, non-ore and production wastes), water (underground waters) resources and the use of other natural resources. Organisation of supplies is done by transparent tendering procedures with the participation of client representatives. Organisational principles of supply includes the following:

  • Organisation of regional licence warehouses for ensuring uninterrupted supply;
  • A global network of customers and suppliers;
  • Competitive selection of suppliers;
  • Warranty and quality control.


Production and delivery of materials and the equipment for study and use of the energy (oil, gas, solid combustible minerals), mineral (ore, non-ore and production wastes), water (underground waters) resources

Oil and gas:
Drilling rigs of various load-carrying capacity and configuration, casing pipes of oil and gas assortment, drill pipes, drilling bits, turbodrills, screw motors, tubing strings, Christmas trees, separators, pumps, reactants for preparation of a drilling fluid; navigation equipment for drilling of guided and horizontal boreholes, geophysical combining with kit of various tools for oil and gas well logging or separate geophysical tools under various methods of well logging, drilling and downhole equipment and spare parts, mobile housing unit, modular and wireframe facilities.

Ore, non-ore and solid fossil fuels:
Geophysical instruments: gravimeters, magnetometers, equipment for a geoelectrical prospecting and radar survey, logging tools and logging stations; prospecting instruments: mining compasses, portable express analysers, GPS-navigators; drilling rigs for core drilling and other kinds of drilling, drilling installations for large-diameter drilling, mud pumps, rock-destruction tools, drill-pipes, casing pipes and rods; reagents for preparation of drilling mud; excavation machinery (excavators, bulldozers, loaders); crushers, screening machines, equipment for ore dressing: flushing devices, separators, flotation units, etc.; equipment for a construction of field bases.

Underground waters:
Equipment for hydrogeological works and construction of water intakes, the pump and compressor equipment, screens, installation of water treatment, products for preparing of potable water, etc.


Production and delivery of materials and the equipment for the study and the use of land, water (surface water) and non-conventional power resources.

Following the results of its own marketing researches and the comparative characteristics of appropriate products from different producers, as well as analytical information on new technologies and developments, TUTKOVSKY selects and supplies the most demanded and relevant types of equipment and materials for customers’ projects. TUTKOVSKY’s direct contacts with manufacturers and developers guarantee to the customer high quality of the equipment and components, short time of delivery, warranty service and favourable terms of collaboration.

All materials and the equipment supplied by TUTKOVSKY are properly certified and comply with the modern standards of environmental safety.

Principal types of the equipment and materials for the projects on the use of lands for the needs of agriculture:

  • Machines for tillage, application of the organic and mineral fertilizers, sowing and harvesting of grain, leguminous, vegetable, industrial crops, forages, other special equipment, spare parts and technical service;
  • Equipment for chemical protection of plants;
  • Sprinkler plants and machines;
  • Equipment for grain elevators, feed mills, granaries and grain processing enterprises;
  • Qualitative, high-yielding, drought-resistant elite seed material taking into account a zone of cultivation, preceding crop, type and agrochemical composition of the soil, as well as technological and financial capabilities of the customer;
  • Plant-protecting agents, mineral and organic fertilizers, stimulators of plant growth;
  • Instruments and equipment to determine the temperature and humidity of air and soil, the direction and strength of the wind, other weather and soil parameters, analysis of food, grains, mixed fodders (in particular, determination of protein, fat, fibre);
  • Selection of the optimal software, implementation of computer programmes for plant growing, animal husbandry and a training of personnel.

Equipment and materials for purification and usage of water:

  • Equipment for cleaning of industrial and economic-household sewage, integrated line of biological cleaning, floatation facilities, block electrolysis installations of water disinfection with sodium hypochlorite of different performance;
  • Fills, water drop catchers and nozzles for chimney-type and fan cooling towers;
  • Equipment for iron removal and degassing of water for both household and industrial use;
  • Chemicals for water purification;
  • Pumping stations and pumping equipment.

Equipment and materials for the use of non-conventional power resources:

  • Solar collectors, photovoltaic panels, power supply system based on photovoltaic cells;
  • Wind-powered generators and systems based on them;
  • Heat pumps, systems of a geothermal climatisation and heating;
  • Biogas plants, gas generators, and cogeneration plants;
  • Biofuel-fired boilers;
  • Equipment for the manufacture of fuel briquettes and granules: percussive mechanical presses, dryers of aerodynamic type, straw shredders, granulators and other auxiliary equipment;
  • Planting material of energy crops;
  • Energy efficient equipment, materials and goods, the use of which leads to a more efficient and controlled use of fuel and energy resources.