Regional development

Achievements of the effective and balanced use of natural resources of the country and individual territories, reduction of negative environmental impact, as well as taking into account environmental constraints and the requirements of sustainable development of the state and its regions is an integral part of the state policy of regional development. The state, in this sphere of activity, through legislative, economic, social and technological levers, manages the spatial development of the country in order to ensure its unity. Therefore, providing the governments with service of building National Platforms of Natural Resources TUTKOVSKY considers these platforms as a background to develop state strategy for regional development.

TUTKOVSKY provides required expert support to the state bodies when developing this strategy, drawing up a plan of measures for its implementation. The goal of the plan is to smooth out the socio-economic imbalances in the development of individual territories against the background of a general increase in the level of economic development, living standards and welfare of the country population, increasing the productivity and competitiveness of national and regional economies. All this is possible on condition of rational use of resources and human capital of regions, their economic base, investment and innovative levers of influence on the development of regional economic systems. Natural resources location and the impact of their use do not have administrative and state boundaries, and therefore the role of interregional and cross-border cooperation in this sphere is particularly important. TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources is the optimal platform for the realization of such cooperation.

The activities envisaged by the plan are implemented at the national level using state investment resources, which are usually managed by central ministries and departments. In particular, this concerns the identification of problem areas in the regions and the implementation of state measures to solve problems. But over the past two decades, many countries have complemented this activity with a more focused, individual approach to each region, trying to solve specific regional problems, actively collaborating with population and institutions of the region.

TUTKOVSKY provides regional authorities with service to develop Regional Platforms of Natural Resources of the region, expert support and professional consultations to work out regional strategy of development and corresponding plans on their realization, promotes creation and productive work of regional development agencies. Drawing up of the regional development strategies is carried out taking into account the strategies for the development of cities, towns and villages, the priority is given to the development of depressed areas.

It is considered that regions are becoming more and more players in the global markets and in global networks which are created to solve the common problems. Moreover, they are under the influence of macro-trends, the main ones, whose influence is the most significant, are: urbanization; migration; informatization of society and the penetration of new telecommunication technologies; creation of an economic system based on knowledge; global challenges in terms of food and natural resources (especially water and fertile soils) growth on the principles of sustainable development.

Taking into account global trends, TUTKOVSKY in its recommendations to the authorities, basing on a deep and comprehensive analysis of the resource potential, determines the natural advantages of the region, thanks to which it is possible to achieve intensive economic growth based on an increase in the productivity or more effective use of resources, first of all due to high-tech solutions and innovations.

On this basis, priority directions for the development of the region are determined and appropriate investment programs are developed. The international hub TUTKOVSKY functions as a focal center for programming, supporting and assistance to such territorial development programs, providing effective intergroup cooperation between government, business and the public and creating a qualitatively new economic environment. The hub business model allows attracting under investment programs required capacities and best technologies for projects of various directions and scales.

In this environment, opportunities are created for the formation of new system-creating enterprises in the regions that in future will becoming centers of economic growth and impact to better territorial organization.