Promoting the development of children and youth

Work with pupil’s and student youth is a priority in the activities of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists– reliable partner of the TUTKOVSKY. The movement of young geologists began in the former Soviet Union in the late 1950s. After disintegration of the USSR, the children’s geological movement in Ukraine was not paid attention, and only at few schools the circles of young geologists were remained. Since 2001 the Ukrainian Association of Geologists has begun to revive the children’s and youth geological movement in the country, cooperating with children’s geological circles in different cities of Ukraine, geological museums at technical schools and higher educational institutions, organizing geological excursions and Olympiads of young geologists and of students of geological specialties.

In 2011, at a sponsor’s and informational support of the TUTKOVSKY, there was launched an enlightenment project for pupils’ youth and its mentors – «Nadra earthly and spiritual». Within the framework of this project, a lot of lectures, seminars, scientific and practical conferences and excursions were held.

The project participants take an active part in the annual Olympiads of young geologists in Kiev, Kharkov, Rivne and other cities. Among the schoolchildren – winners of Olympiads in geology, prize-winners of competitions and defences of student scientific works on geology of the Minor Academy of Sciences; students of geological specialties are prize-winners of All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in geology, participants in international geological competitions organized by AAPG and EAGE.

Date Measure or event  
November 9th, 2017 Excursion of the group of geology of the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth to the Interregional Center for Jewellery, where children became acquainted with the possibilities of the jeweller's profession.
October 27th, 2017 A new and surprisingly successful event held in the framework of the Open Doors Day at the Institute of Geology was the quiz "Geology in the Museum", organized and conducted jointly with the participation of the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, and PHEI Tutkovsky Institute (Liventseva G.A.), Institute of Geology (Assoc. Krochak M.D.) and Geological Museum (Eng. Vakulenko O.M.). Participants of the quiz were delighted with the opportunity to show their geological knowledge and erudition. They enjoyed the quiz and answered the questions easily.
October 10-13, 2017 TUTKOVSKY PLC and Ukrainian Association of Geologists joined Sikorsky Challenge 2017, a unique project for Ukraine, becoming sponsors of competitive events in the use of new and advanced technologies in nature management.
May 18th, 2017 In a Secondary General School (SGS) #13 named after I. Khytrychenko a seminar-workshop has been hold for deputy directors and teachers of geography of the general educational institutions of Kyiv on the theme: «Innovative activity as an integral component of optimization of the educational process of an educational institution». Since 2013, in educational institution it was implemented the experimental study «Formation of vocational guidance of students in the teaching of a special course «Earth Interior (Fundamentals of Geology)».
May 11th, 2017 Pupils of the 9-A grade of Specialized school #2 named after D. Karbyshev with in-depth study of natural cycle subjects (Kyiv, Podilskyi district) visited the ESI «Institute of Geology» of the Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko. The pupils got acquainted with the departments of Institute, visited the Vernadskyi name audience, as well as the Geological Museum. The ninth-grade pupils were interested with M.D. Krochak’s story about the future profession of the geologist.
March 17th, 2017 With the support of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists, in the Scientific and Natural Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine among the pupils of the Kyiv schools there were hold Geoquest competitions «Natural wealth of Ukraine». The quests were attended by seven teams:
  • Team of a geological circle of the Department of tourism and local lore at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth (KPCY),
  • Team of the Rusanovskyi Lyceum,
  • Team of 8th grades of the SGS #2 named after D. Karbyshev,
  • Team of 9-B class of the SGS #2 named after D. Karbyshev,
  • Team of the SGS #13,
  • Team of 8-A class of the SGS,
  • Team of 10-B class of the SGS #256.
During the quest, its participants were looking for expositions devoted to the natural wealth of certain regions of Ukraine and answered questions, finding clues in the halls of the museum. Those who correctly defined the area to which the exposition is devoted, and correctly answered the question, obtained the corresponding part of the map of Ukraine and coloured card for each answer. Sponsor of the quest – AUPO «Ukrainian Association of Geologists».
December 16th, 2016 The ESI «Institute of Geology» on the day of open doors was visited by pupils of 7-9 grades of the city of Kiev: of gymnasium #167, SGS #13, SGS #2, schoolchildren from Oster. The guests have been given speech by: director of the Institute prof. V.A. Mykhailov, prof. of the Department of Oil and Gas Geology V.V. Ohar, which told the structure of the institute, direction of preparation of bachelors and masters, conditions for joining the ranks of students, prospects for employment. Prof. A.V. Mytrokhin demonstrated the possibility of studying rocks under a petrographic microscope and on a large screen and under the direction of Assoc. O.V. Dubyna, the guests for the first time saw how the gold looks in an ore microscope. Head of the Department of Geoinformatics prof. V.I. Zatserkovnyi met the pupils of his native 13th school and talked about the prospects of using geoinformation technologies for the development of Earth sciences. Teachers of the Department of General and Historical Geologies (Assistant A.S. Ohienko and Assoc. L.S. Kyselevych) told about paleontology and the development of life on Earth, handed out souvenirs to schoolboys – fossil remains of bivalves and belemnites.
November 17–18, 2016 In a Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth the interactive festival of discoveries «STEAM fest» took place. Participants of the circle «Interesting Geology» acquainted everyone with the possibilities of growing crystals at home and showed geological «tricks».
November 2nd, 2016 School excursion of pupils of the Obolonskyi district to the museum of precious and decorative stones (Khoroshiv, Zhytomyr Oblast.). The bus trip was carried out at the expense of the sponsorship assistance of the regional Department of education. The trip was very informative, saturated and extremely interesting. In addition to additional knowledge on geology of Ukraine pupils obtained also great aesthetic pleasure.
October 7th, 2016 Second Field Geological Olympiad. Organizers: Ukrainian Association of Geologists, Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Geology» at Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth. Participants: Pupils of 8–10 classes of Secondary General Schools #2, #13, #256 of Kyiv. Chairman of the jury: Professor, doctor of geological sciences V.A. Nesterovskyi. Leaders: M.D. Krochak, H.A. Liventseva, M.M. Reshetnyk.
May 20th, 2016 In Kyiv, a field school Olympiad in geology was held.
May 14th, 2016 With the assistance of the Tutkovsky Institute, the pupils of the two Kiev schools took part in the VII International Schoolchild Competition «From giant crystals – to nanocrystals».
May 5–7, 2016 Representatives of the Tutkovsky Institute participated in the Conference «Geotourism. Practice and experience» (Lviv).
April 26th, 2016 With the assistance of the Tutkovsky Institute, the students of the Kyiv school #2 with in-depth study of the disciplines of the natural-science cycle inspected the expositions of the private mineralogical museum of Stanislav Dovhyi.
April 19th, 2016 With the participation of the Tutkovsky Institute, the pupils’ scientific readings took place «Chornobyl – 30 years later».
April 13th, 2016 Participants of the circle «Interesting Geology» visited the ESI «Institute of Geology» of the Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko.
April 6th, 2016 President of the Public Organization «Ukrainian International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits» (UkrI.A.G.O.D.), General Director of TOV «Expert Council of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists» professor O. Bobrov told the participants of the circle «Interesting Geology» about the unique geological objects of Ukraine.
February 18–19, 2016 Tutkovsky Institute took part in the VI Poltava Scientific and Practical Conference «Cooperation of scientific institutions, educational institutions and enterprises in the development of the extractive industry and training of specialists».
November 27–30, 2015 Report «The Role of geological museums in the educational project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» at the scientific conference: «Natural museums and their role in education and science»
November 24th, 2015 Within the framework of the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» on the popularization of geological knowledge among a pupil’s youth of Ukraine in the Kyiv school #13, the seminar-practical work took place for teachers on a topic «Innovative activity as a driving force of optimizing the activity of an educational institution».
November 10th, 2015 With the support of the Tutkovsky Institute and by 110th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist-geologist, Academician V. H. Bondarchuk, a cognitive quiz was held at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth.
September, 2015 With the support of the Tutkovsky Institute in the Kyiv Gymnasium #143 a circle «Interesting Geology» began to work.
May 28th, 2015 Pupils of the 10th class of the Kyiv school #256 visited the enterprise for a manufacture of geophysical equipment of TUTKOVSKY PLC.
May 16th, 2015 With the support of the Tutkovsky Institute, the pupils of the Kyivan schools took part in the International Schoolchild Competition «Crystals».
April 28th, 2015 With the assistance of the Tutkovsky Institute, pupils of the 8-A class of Kyiv school #2 visited the Stanislav Dovhyi’s Private Mineralogical Museum.
February 26th, 2015 Within the framework of the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» in the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth the quiz took place «Mysteries of the Third Planet» for pupils of the eighth classes, where the subject «Fundamentals of Geology» is teached.
December, 4th, 2014 Pupils of the 8-B class of Kyiv school #2 (with in-depth study of subjects of the natural cycle) visited the Mineralogical Museum.
November 14th, 2014 In the ESI «Institute of Geology» at Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko the open day took place. On the initiative of Tutkovsky Institute the Geology Institute was visited by senior pupils of the Kyivan schools.
October 28th – November 1st, 2014 Within the framework of the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» during the autumn school vacation in Zhytomyr Oblast the School of young researchers worked.
October 16th, 2014 In the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, an evening of memory of R.S. Furdui took place – the famous scientist-paleontologist, tectonist, lecturer of the Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, well-known ufologist, member of the International Society of Ancient Astronautics, author of many scientific and popular books, active public figure.
September 30th and October 2nd, 2014 Pupils of the 8-A and 8-B classes of Kyiv school #2, with in-depth study of the disciplines of the natural cycle, visited the Geological Museum of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko.
September 11–14, 2014 With the participation of representatives of the Tutkovsky Institute, in the Lviv National University of Ivan Franko the VIII scientific readings named after Ye.K. Lazarenko took place «Mineralogy: the Present and the Future».
September 1st, 2014 Kyiv school #2 with in-depth study of subjects of the natural cycle joined the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual». Geology is studied by pupils of 8-A and 8-B classes.
May, 2014 Scientific readings «Denyshi is the V.H. Bondarchuk’s native land». Organized by the Kiev Palace of Children and Youth with the support of the Tutkovsky Institute within the framework of the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual».
November 13th, 2013 In the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth the geological quiz took place «The Magic World of Minerals», devoted to the 130th anniversary of the birth of O.Ye. Fersman. Event organizers: Tutkovsky Institute, Scientific and Practical Center «Researcher» of the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth, Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko.
October 16th, 2013 The Tutkovsky Institute and the All-Ukrainian public organisation «Ukrainian Association of Geologists» held the Scientific Practical Conference with the international participation «Scientific and methodological prospects of geological education development».
September 4th, 2013 On the initiative of the Tutkovsky Institute, within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» in the Kyiv secondary general school #13 named after I. Khytrychenko the geological class was open.
June 26–30, 2013 Representatives of the Tutkovsky Institute participated in the VIII International Conference «Geology in school and university: geology and civilization» devoted to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Vernadskyi (Department of Geology and Geoecology at the Herzen RGPU, St.-Petersburg, Russia).
April 13th, 2013 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» the First Kyiv Open Olympiad of Young Geologists took place.
March, 12th, 2013 In a Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth the school geological quiz devoted to the 150 anniversary of the birth of the distinguished scientist-geologist, philosopher, public figure V.I. Vernadskyi took place.
March, 4th, 2013 Within the framework of the project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» on popularisation of geological knowledge among pupil youth of Ukraine at the Kyiv school #13 of I. Khytrychenko it has been held a lesson of geology in the 8-V class on a topic «Physical and chemical nature of the properties of minerals».
February 28th, 2013 Seminar «Innovations in school natural formation» took place on the basis of school of #256 of Kyiv. Representatives of the Tutkovsky Institute demonstrated a master class on applied crystallography for growing crystals in at home conditions.
2013 With the participation of the Tutkovsky Institute, the International Scientific and Pedagogical Conference «Education and Science in the XXI Century. Problems of Teaching Geological Disciplines» was held (Kyiv).
2013 With the participation of the Tutkovsky Institute, the IX session of the International Earth Sciences School (Odesa) was held.
December, 25th, 2012 A scientific and practical conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous Ukrainian scientist-geologist Ye.K. Lazarenko, attended by 75 pupils from different schools of Kyiv and their mentors.
November 15th, 2012 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» the first seminar from the series «Modern achievements in the field of geology and their role in the formation of practical competence of students» was held. Lecture «Natural gas in Ukraine. Traditional sources» was presented by P.O. Zahorodniuk.
September 21st, 2012 The publishing group of the Tutkovsky Institute was first presented at the largest book exhibition of Ukraine – Forum of Publishers in Lviv. The presentation of the book of R.S. Furdui took place «Brother of the sun and wind».
September 1st, 2012 In secondary school #256 of the Obolonskyi district of Kyiv, a geological laboratory was opened and a new stage of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» was launched – teaching the subject «Fundamentals of Geology» in a general education school.
August, 28th, 2012 A field seminar for teachers of geography of the Obolonskyi district of the city of Kiev, organized by the Tutkovsky Institute, All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization «Ukrainian Association of Geologists» and IGS of the NAS of Ukraine.
May 16th, 2012 Lecture «Investigations of the Ukrainian geologists in Antarctica» (lecturer – participant of the IX Ukrainian Antarctic expedition at the station «Academician Vernadskyi», O.V. Omelchuk, Associate Professor of Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko).
April 25th, 2012 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» children’s scientific readings of Vernadskyi took place in the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth.
April 19th, 2012 Centre of geological lectures, founded by the geological faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko and the Tutkovsky Institute in the Kiev Palace of Children and Youth.
March, 29th, 2012 Excursion of circle members from the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth to the PrAT «Geophysical Equipment Nadra».
March, 26th, 2012 In Ecological and Naturalistic Center the rewarding of winners of competition of a Minor Academy of Sciences took place, in which representatives of an All-Ukrainian public organisation «Ukrainian Association of Geologists» and the PHEI «Tutkovsky Institute» participated.
March, 21st, 2012 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» In a library of the Palace of Children and Youth the Tutkovsky children’s geological readings took place.
March, 15th, 2012 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» a lecture «Volcanoes of Kamchatka» was held (Lecturer: M.D. Krochak – Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Geology of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko, Ph. D. in geological and mineralogical sciences).
March, 12th, 2012 On the basis of the National Museum of Natural History at the NAS of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko and the All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organization «Ukrainian Association of Geologists» the paleontology circle was created.
February 15th, 2012 All-Ukrainian public organization «Ukrainian Association of Geologists» took part in the pupil’s competition IntelEko.
January 25th, 2012 Within the framework of the enlightenment project «Nadra earthly and spiritual» there was held first lecture «Earth is our space house» on geology for pupils of secondary schools (Universe, Galaxy, Solar System).
January 16th, 2012 In a National Ecological and Naturalistic Center for Discipleship and Youth there took place presentation of the book of R.S. Furdui «Brother of the sun and wind» and of the Geologist of Ukraine magazine.
2012 The Ukrainian Association of Geologists has traditionally recognized the winners of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the protection of scientific research works in the Earth Sciences section of the Minor Academy of Sciences.
December, 16th, 2011 By the 20th anniversary of the Nadra Group of companies and with its financial support, the R.S. Furdui’s book «Brother of the sun and wind» devoted to young geologists was published Presentation of this book took place at the Geological Faculty of the KNU
December, 14th, 2011 The Children’s scientific conference «Secrets of life-giving subsoil» at the Kyiv Palace of Children and Youth was organized by the Scientific Society «Researcher» with the support of the Tutkovsky Institute
2011 An enlightenment project for the pupils’ youth and their mentors was launched «Nadra earthly and spiritual». Components of the project: events for children (quizzes, conferences, scientific readings, geological lectures); printing of specialized literature; cooperation with the Minor Academy of Sciences, Kiev Palace of Children and Youth; excursions and hikes; work with teachers and heads of circles; teaching the subject «Fundamentals of Geology» in general schools; opening of circles «Interesting geology».
July–August, 2011 With the support of the Tutkovsky Institute, young geologists of Ukraine took part in the Geological Olympiad in Tomsk (Russian Federation), where they won the second place among foreign teams.
August, 2009 On the initiative of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists and at the invitation of the Russian Geological Society the team of young geologists from Rivne region took part for the first time in the VII open All-Russian Olympiad of young geologists in the city of Taganrog.
August, 2009 With the support of the Tutkovsky Institute the members of circles of the Rivne Oblast Station of Young Tourists participated in the All-Russian Open Field Geological Olympiad in Taganrog, Rostov Oblast, RF
March, 3rd, 2008 On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of P.A. Tutkovsky, the awarding of personal prizes to young scientists from IGS of the NAS of Ukraine took place
Since 2008 The Nadra Group of companies has established nominal scholarships for students of the Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko.
Since 2007 The Nadra Group of companies assists in the organization of practices to the Geological Faculty of Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko.
April 10th, 2005 XXX Jubilee Olympiad of young geologists of Kharkiv Oblast (Kharkiv city).
Since 2005 The Ukrainian Association of Geologists conducts enlightenment work in schools and boarding schools for children with hearing impairments.
Since 2001 The Ukrainian Association of Geologists began to revive the children’s and youth geological movement in the country, to hold Olympiads of young geologists, provide sponsor support to geological museums at technical schools and higher educational institutions, where the specialists for the geological industry are trained. Members of the organization support and actively participate in the annual Olympiads of young geologists in Kharkov, Rivne and other cities.