The third step (since 2015)

TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources

The main direction of the company activity finally becomes defined in this stage. Performance of functions of the general contractor providing services to the investors, production companies and governments of the countries, which implement projects and programmes related to the use of a wide range of natural resources: energy (oil, gas, solid fossil fuels, alternative energy sources), minerals (ore, non-ore and production waste), water (underground and surface waters) and land resources.

In view of the above and taking into account world trends in effective and rational use of natural resources, on January 15, 2015 a rebranding of the company was carried out; the service company NADRA Group was renamed to the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources.

During the operating period of the service company NADRA Group, it became clear that the company’s access on the service markets of countries with a large volume of energy, mineral, water and land resources is almost impossible. In the large markets, throughout many years, the large global companies were working and have established themselves (Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford, SGG VERITAS and others) and competing with them is a heavy and long-term process. Markets of countries with a small volume of energy, mineral, water and land resources, to which Ukraine belongs, are less interesting for large global companies and are open to small and medium-sized service companies. At the same time, with small volumes of the service market in such countries, it is inappropriate to purchase equipment and create local service companies, since the volume of orders often does not allow even to reimburse the cost of equipment.

The most expedient is to work on such markets in the format of TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources, involving to the work participants of affiliate network. Work in many countries with a small market of service works creates for TUTKOVSKY partners the projects and programs interesting because of their scopes and volumes.

Confidence in the correctness of the chosen business strategy is based on the experience gained during the previous stages of development of the company affiliated with TUTKOVSKY PLC service providers and products and knowledge of the needs of consumers.

The experience in management of projects related to the use of natural resources includes a selection, geological and economic assessment and investment analysis of licensed blocks in the North Africa and Middle East on order of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine. Data collection and analysis of 126 Ukrainian oil and gas fields for the International audit of oil and gas reserves. It also includes the management of its own project related to the exploration and production of hard recoverable gas reserves in Transcarpathian region.

The experience in providing of integrated services for projects related to the exploration and use of natural resources includes the performance of the field geophysical survey: about 5,000 sq. km of 3D land seismic data acquisition, 17,300 linear kilometres of 2D land seismic data acquisition and more than 1,000 of gravity and magnetic surveys as well as 35 Vertical Seismic Profiling projects. The well logging and well services performed in more than 300 open hole and 150 cased hole wells. Operating experience on offshore platforms within Ukrainian waters of the shelf of the Black and Azov Seas. The performance of the geological-geophysical data processing and interpretation: 5,400 linear km of 2D and 15,000 sq. km 3D seismic data. There were compiled and certified more than 350 reports related to the geological study, estimation and auditing of reserves including creation of porosity and permeability models of oil and gas fields, geological and economic evaluation of mineral raw materials, consulting and other researches; creation of 5 permanent hydrodynamic models of oil and gas fields.

The experience in production and supply of materials and equipment for projects related to the exploration and use of natural resources is obtained while supplying products of 98 Ukrainian enterprises to oil and gas companies in Russia and Turkmenistan; manufacturing and supply of more than 1,500 well logging tools to companies in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, Colombia, Turkmenistan and other countries. The development and supply of the modular digital integrated tool string, software and hardware complexes of array acoustic log to control the hydraulic fracturing, digital inclinometric tools - gyroscopes. The production of 15 sets of heavy drilling rigs and 60 well workover rigs as well as 618 module-type constructions (mobile housing units).

Most of these projects involved independent service and product providers and established partnerships with numerous customers. These suppliers and customers, together with the enterprises affiliated with TUTKOVSKY PLC, formed the basis of a partnership network of the participants of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources.

The experience of educational and scientific network communications is important for the formation of the hub. Over 1,600 professionals from 100 companies participated in the training programs and seminars of Tutkovsky Institute. Experts of TUTKOVSKY published 517 scientific articles, 11 monographs, patented 34 inventions. The 43 quarterly issues of the scientific journal «Geologist of Ukraine» and 3 issues of the «Tutkovsky Institute Collection of scientific papers» were produced. 75 scientific conferences have been organized, which were attended by more than two thousand specialists.

Thus, having gained all the experience of JSC Nadra, including organizational one - Ukrainian Foreign Economic Oil and Gas Corporation "Ukrzarubizhnaftogaz", and Nadra Group, today TUTKOVSKY has become a business platform for many of its partners, and the first implemented projects within the hub have confirmed the effectiveness of its business strategy. The priorities for further development of the hub are broad international partnership and high-tech solutions - the best world-wide technologies!

In accordance with international standards, a new corporate hub structure is being developed with the determination of the role of partner enterprises, there are developed a project management system, international accounting, and TUTKOVSKY software products for current automation processes in the International Hub of Natural Resources TUTKOVSKY, etc.

Organization of business in the format of an international hub allows TUTKOVSKY to set up system network cooperation to integrate the experience and production capacities of individual enterprises, promoting their high-tech products and services to meet the needs of customers.

TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources conducts large scale marketing researches and becomes a partner of major projects around the world.

The parent company TUTKOVSKY PLC began to reduce its own production activity in order to avoid the competition between partners of TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources for the participation in projects. Since that time TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources works for the benefit of all partner companies, and not only of its own affiliated production companies. Affiliated production companies that remain in the ownership of TUTKOVSKY PLC continue to operate having no advantages in participating in hub projects towards other hub partners.

TUTKOVSKY organizes performance of each project in the most efficient way for the client: optimizing the structure and the course of its implementation, providing the client not only the services of the highest world level and solving most complex tasks, but also full responsibility for the result of both, for certain stages and for project in whole.

Milestones of the third stage

2015 The Geological-Geophysical Data Processing and Interpretation Centre was established in India (c. Delhi) with engagement of specialists from India. Implementation of 2D seismic data processing projects within the framework of a promising Tripula oil and gas unit commissioned by Jubilant Oil & Gas PVT LTD and 3D within Jaisalmer oilfield and Kadi-Sanand Oil and Gas Complex, upon order of Focus Energy LTD and Syntex Oil & Gas LTD, respectively.
2015 Manufacturing and supply of 4 sets of high-pressure and temperature resistant open hole well logging tools to SOCAR (Azerbaijan).
2015 With the efforts of company partner consortium created by TUTKOVSKY, 350 ton drilling rig was manufactured and delivered to Colombia (model: PR1500T-AC-W).
2015 Test processing of 3D seismic data (Supsa Shromisubani) commissioned by Georgian Oil & Gas Corporation with application of software products of leading world software providers.
2015 Conducting geophysical surveys and works in wells on order of Ukrainian companies - PJSC "State Joint Stock Company "Chornomornaftogaz", BU "Ukrburgaz", PJSC "Ukrtransgas", by use of new equipment.

Partner of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources - Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists took part in the KINDRA project

KINDRA – knowledge inventory for hydrogeology research

Grant agreement ID: 642047 – Starting date of the project: 01.01.2015 – Finish of the project: 31.03.2018

Enterprise Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists – national expert on the KINDRA project in Ukraine.

Project Description: KINDRA is conducting an EU-wide assessment of existing groundwater-related practical and scientific knowledge based on a new the new Hydrogeological Research Classification System (HRC-SYS).

A special classification system makes it possible to systematize work, documents, projects, reports, databases, etc. to facilitate future searches and analyzes; promotes networking and expands the community of geologists and groundwater exploration.

20 members of EFG participated in KINDRA. National associations have organized series of workshops in their countries, including in Ukraine.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642047 (call WATER-4a-2014 - Coordination and Support Action).


Partner of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources - Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists took part in the INTRAW project

INTRAW – The International Raw Materials Observatory

Grant agreement ID: 642130 – Starting date of the project: 01.02.2015 – Finish of the project: 01.02.2018

The Enterprise Expert Advice of the Union of Geologists of Ukraine as a Linked Third Party was involved in the INTRAW three-year EU funded project in the framework of the Horizon2020 programme.

Project Description: INTRAW is a three-year EU funded project in the framework of the Horizon2020 programme. The European Federation of Geologists (EFG) is the coordinator of a consortium of 15 partners from different countries including Australia, United States and South Africa. Most of EFG’s members are also part of the consortium as EFG third parties.

The INTRAW project aims to develop new opportunities for cooperation in the development of raw material bases for critical types of minerals in Europe with Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United States, concerning:

  • Research and innovation;
  • Raw materials policies and strategies;
  • Joint educational and skills programmes;
  • Licensing and permitting procedures;
  • Data reporting systems;
  • Exploration, extraction, processing and recycling practices;
  • Management and substitution of Critical Raw Materials.

Partner of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources - Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists takes part in the project CHPM2030

CHPM2030 - Combined heat, energy and metal extraction

Grant agreement ID: 654100 – Starting date of the project: 01.02.2016 – Finish of the project: 01.07.2019

The Enterprise Expert Advise of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists - as a Linked Third Party.

Project Description: CHPM2030 aims to develop a novel and potentially disruptive technology solution that can help satisfy the European needs for energy and strategic metals in a single interlinked process.

The European economy is heavily dependent upon energy and mineral supply for industry and society. Therefore, key challenges are: lowering the costs and the environmental impact of energy production, and decreasing the dependence on imported strategic raw materials. Responding to these challenges, the CHPM2030 project aims to develop a novel technology, which combines deep geothermal energy production with metals extraction from the geothermal fluid in a single interlinked process (Combined Heat Power and Metals – CHPM).

In order to improve the economics of deep geothermal energy development, the project investigates possible technologies for manipulating metal-bearing geological formations with geothermal potential at a depth of 3 to 4 km, and potentially even deeper. Our aim is that the co-production of energy and metals will become possible and may be optimised according to market demands in the future. The project will provide a proof of the technological concept on a laboratory scale.

Project Coordinator: University Of Miskolc / Unim, Faculty Of Earth Science & Engineering / Hungary

Coordinating team: Éva Hartai, Tamás Madarász and Aranka Földessy.

This project was funded by the European Union's research and innovation program Horizon 2020.

Final Conference in Delft (NL) May 23, 2019


Partner of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources - Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists – takes part in the UNEXMIN project

UNEXMIN – Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines

Grant agreement ID: 690008 – Starting date of the project: 01.02.2016 – Finish of the project: 01.10.2019

The Enterprise Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists is a Linked Third Party

Project Description: UNEXMIN for flooded MINes is an EU-funded project that develops a novel robotic system for the autonomous exploration and mapping of Europe’s flooded mines funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, involving a number of institutions from various countries in Europe.

Many of Europe’s closed underground mines are now flooded and the last piece of information on their status is decades or over a hundred years old. The complex layout, topology and geometry of most underground mines make it impossible to carry out any surveying by conventional or remotely controlled equipment. UNEXMIN develops a fully autonomous solution, that will use non-invasive methods for the re-exploration of flooded deep mines that are otherwise inaccessible. The technology developed by UNEXMIN will increase Europe’s capacity to re-evaluate its abandoned mines for their mineral potential, with reduced exploration costs and increased investment security for any future mining operations. By retrieving data from historical sites that are currently inaccessible it will also help to document and safeguard Europe’s unique mining heritage.

The UNEXMIN project was one of the 28 projects that were invited to be present at the EU Industry Days 2019, in Brussels. This unique event aimed at bringing together personalities from the most diverse sectors of industry within the EU and to showcase projects that are having impact on the EU’s industry panorama.

Coordinator: University of Miskolc - University of Miskolc (UNIM), Norbert Zajzon

2016 Participation in national and international meetings, conferences and seminars of members of Ukrainian Association of Geologists within agreement with the European Federation of Geologists (EFG): INTRAW Workshop for National Experts on Subsoil Practice in Europe and Africa (2-3 November 2016), workshops on KINDRA, CHPM2030 and UNEXMIN projects for national experts (4, 12, 14 October 2016).
2016 Manufacturing and supply by the consortium of the partner enterprises created by TUTKOVSKY of the stationary drilling rig (model: SL2500T-AC-T) with a lifting capacity of 600 tons by order of Burova Kompaniya Ukrburservis Ltd.
2016 Data collection, analysis, processing and interpretation of 3D seismic materials (Kubashivska sq., Ukraine) on order of Burisma Group.
2016 In order to prevent internal competition in the hub, TUTKOVSKY PLC sells its seismic exploration business in Ukraine to the company Burisma Group (USA).
2016 Performance of well logging and perforating jobs under the Agreements with the companies LLC Energo-Service Company “Esco-Pivnich”, PJSC “Carpathian Department of Geophysical Works”, PE “Poltavske Enterprise of Geophysical Works", Joint Venture Poltava Naftogazovaya Kompaniya, Subsidiaries of PJSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" and others by applying technical means and materials of world leading manufacturers, including Halliburton.
2016 Signing of Project Cooperation Agreement with DGE Group (Denmark) to implement projects that demonstrate new opportunities for positive environmental and climate change impacts.
2016 Scientific and technical cooperation with the Hungarian company Geoinform Well Services Ltd to increase the efficiency and quality of demonstration, research and development projects through the joint use of geophysical equipment and data processing capabilities.
2016 TUTKOVSKY, together with Halliburton, hosted the Technological Day for Ukrainian manufacturing and mining companies on the theme: "Integrated cased hole products and services" (IEC, Kyiv, 12/15/2016).

Partner of the TUTKOVSKY International Hub of Natural Resources - Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists – takes part in the INFACT project

INFACT – Innovative, Non-Invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies. INFACT – the future of raw material exploration in the EU.

Grant agreement ID: 776487 – Starting date of the project: 01.11.2017 – Finish of the project: 01.11.2020

The Enterprise Expert Advice of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists is a Linked Third Party.

Project Description: The EU is one of the world's major consumers of mineral and metalliferous raw materials of which the demand can be expected to rise considerably in the future. The EU INFACT project aims at contributing to raw materials security in the European Union by way of invigorating Europe as a destination for exploration.

The project partners envisage to change raw material exploration in a way that it becomes socially accepted, environmentally-friendly and technologically advanced. Also, the INFACT project will lead to re-assessing the mineral potential within Europe.

The objectives:

  • Engage society
  • Impact innovation, knowledge and growth
  • Establish EU reference regions

Coordinator: Helmholtz Freiberg Institute of Resource Technology at Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 776487

Partners: 17 partners from research and academia, industry, state and not-for-profit organizations drawn from seven countries.

2017 Conducting a complex of well logging services for PJSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya", PJSC "Naftogazvydobuvannya", companies of Burisma group and Geo Alliance, LLC "Complex geological and geophysical solutions", PJSC "Ukrtransgaz" etc. by applying new appliances of own production and devices of foreign partner companies.
2017 Implementation of a wide range of project management training programs, MS Project products, as well as student programs for the successful passing of the exam in IPMA - International Project Management Association.

Implementation of TUTKOVSKY software products for current automation processes in the International Hub of Natural Resources TUTKOVSKY:

  1. PRP class system – Project Resource Planning for industrial (material-intensive) enterprises.
  2. PRP class system – Project Resource Planning for service companies (main resources - staff working hours).
  3. Electronic documentation system
2017 PHEI Tutkovsky Institute is the basis for the training program "Training and Project Management Consulting in the Field of Natural Resources Use". There were held first courses for advanced training "Geophysical exploration of wells using modern technologies” (Ukrndihaz, Kharkiv, 19-22 September, 2017).
2017 Presentation of Technological Platform "Implementation of the European Union standards related to effective and balanced use of energy, mineral, water and land resources in Ukraine”, initiated by the Ukrainian Association of Geologists to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy by implementing the requirements of the European legislation (related EU directives) in the context of the implementation of provisions of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.
2017 7 December 2017 – 6th Conference of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists was held. The topic of Conference was the creation of the Technological Platform “Implementation of European Union Standards related to the Effective and Balanced Use of Energy, Mineral, Water and Land Resources in Ukraine” and attraction of geological community to the process of the implementation the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.


Countries where TUTKOVSKY projects were implemented