Health protection and industrial safety

The Hub’s partners are united by the idea of rational nature management. Practical implementation of this idea into the customers’ projects is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the HSE management system «GREEN EXPEDITION».

To work under the brand «GREEN EXPEDITION» on the basis of international standards OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004, an exhaustive set of strict regulations and requirements dealing with health protection, occupational safety, the protection and preservation of the environment and social activities was developed.

To achieve our goal:

  • we improve team work and bring the idea of occupational safety and environmental protection to the forefront;
  • we implement the newest technologies, equipment and materials;
  • we determine all potential threats and dangers for project participants at the works design (planning) stage;
  • we systematically improve the qualification of our employees in the fields of environmental protection, health protection and occupational safety;
  • we estimate the level of hazard and professional risk for particular working places and operations in which our employees, representatives of our clients and the third parties participate;
  • we conduct studies of harmful factors in the production environment and take measures to reduce the impact of these factors on the health of the employees;
  • we draw up plans for the liquidation of consequences in the event of emergency situations;
  • we minimize the impact of our activities on the environment and the threats that accompany the extraction of energy, mineral and water resources, and the use of other natural resources;
  • we conduct an open dialogue with representatives from the local community to discuss ways to avoid potential threats related to our activities;
  • we pursue a policy of economical and rational use of materials and electricity.

The work of the employees in the service and mining companies, partners of the TUTKOVSKY Hub, especially those that work in field expeditions, is associated with certain risks. Therefore, the issue of maintaining the health and safety of the employees is a priority for all Hub partners. All employees of the companies were trained under the necessary programs provided by the standard OHSAS 18001:2007, so they know how to avoid injuries and other accidents. Companies regularly carry out a special assessment of working conditions to confirm their responsible approach to the health and safety of their employees. The result of this approach is the absence of cases of injury and accidents during the company’s work.

The OHSAS 18001 standard promotes the creation of safe and healthy working conditions and provides an effective approach that allows TUTKOVSKY to consistently identify and control risks to health and safety, to reduce the likelihood of accidents and comply with legislative requirements that are constantly changing.

Advantages for clients implementing OHSAS 18001:2007 in the companies-contractors of projects:

  • reduction of accidents and occupational diseases;
  • reduction of downtime periods and associated costs;
  • more effective management of health and occupational safety risks;
  • responsible attitude of employees to labour protection and ensuring the industrial safety;
  • improvement of a positive image of the project investor, loyalty of business partners and extension of the circle of new clients.