Protection and preservation of the environment

The use of resources on a global scale, the competition for their distribution and the natural threats that accompany their extraction and use will affect the country’s ability to develop the economy, ensure national security, maintain an adequate quality of life and protect its environment. While utilizing natural resources, intervention is carried out not only in the soil cover and surface waters, but also in the system of horizons of the lithosphere, in particular – aquifers. In the case of the extraction of energy, mineral, water and land resources by the open method, the geological environment is disturbed by the excavation of rocks from quarries that cover tens of square kilometres, and has a depth of hundreds of meters, while the depth of intervention through underground mine workings and boreholes reaches several kilometres further. Understanding the current status of natural resources, their interrelationship, their change over time, their constancy in the face of future natural and man-made threats, companies involved in the use of natural resources should be responsible when taking important decisions that will be able to provide security for present and future generations of civilians residing in the territories where projects are being implemented.

The TUTKOVSKY highly prioritizes environmental protection, has a qualified personnel for environmental management that carries out an environmental assessment of projects and has a positive experience in the environmental support of international projects. Our employees are ready to provide their customers with professional environmental support regarding environmental protection during the initiation, development and implementation of the project. If necessary, we prepare materials for clients that help in applying for project financing to international institutions and funds.

The assessment of the environmental impact is carried out considering the requirements of international and local legislation, the environmental capacity of the given territory, the state of the environment in the place where it is planned to locate facilities, the environmental forecasts, the prospects for socio-economic development of the region, the intensity and types of cumulative impacts of harmful factors and facilities on the environment and society.

According to the environmental policy of TUTKOVSKY, the companies that get the right to work under the brand «GREEN EXPEDITION» commit themselves to assess their project’s impacts on the environment and social medium, with the mandatory release of information to the public and organizing public discussions. In doing so, they are guided by the following rules:

  • to observe the requirements of the current legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the countries on whose territory the company carries out its productive activity;
  • to minimise the negative impact of the company’s production activities on the environment (atmosphere, water facilities, soil, subsoil);
  • to conduct assessment of environmental risks, to take all possible technical and economic measures to minimize them and ensure the availability of forces and means for prevention and response to emergency situations, corresponding to the level of risk;
  • upon completion of works, to completely eliminate the damage caused during the works and to notify the customer and the public;
  • to require from everyone who work on behalf of the Hub and under its trademarks, the understanding that their actions can affect the image and business of the clients and of Hub partners, and they must work in compliance with the standards of the Hub.

Environmental management system ISO 14001:2004, as a constituent basis of the regulations and requirements to work under the brand «GREEN EXPEDITION», is a part of the corporate governance system. It is an important item of management that provides a unified approach to environmental management in all the company’s projects that positively affects the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the project.

Advantages for clients implementing ISO 14001:2004 in the companies-contractors of projects:

  • creation of the basis for systemic work in nature protection;
  • increasing ecological performance of the companies;
  • increasing the attention of the companies’ management to issues of environmental protection;
  • increasing awareness, formation of the responsible attitude of the companies’ personnel to environmental protection, compliance with the established environmental requirements;
  • ensuring effective management of the company’s activities within the framework of the current legislation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of nature;
  • increasing the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of projects by eliminating the risks associated with the liquidation of the negative effects of intervention in the environment and the negative perception of projects by the local population.