Customers of the Tutkovsky PJSC

Production of Tutkovsky PJSC is known in the domestic market and around the world. The company provides large set of equipment and manufacturing devices and is running in the CIS countries:

  • Azerbaijan
  • Byelorussia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Russia
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

The combination of high quality, reliability and reasonable price promote the use of company products both by oil and gas industry leaders in their countries and small service companies. The major clients are:

  • RUP PO “Belorusneft”
  • CJSC “Geofizmash”
  • LLC “Eurogas”
  • PJSC “Carpathian UGR” (Carpathian management for geophysical work)
  • JSC “Company GIS”
  • LLC “Kub-gas”
  • PJSC “Naftohazvydobuvannia”
  • LLC “Neftehazgeofizika”
  • SPC “Neftegeofizika”
  • OJSC “Nyzhnevartovskgeofizika”
  • LLC “Orenburhneftegeofizika”
  • SE “Poltava Management Office Of Geophysical Works”
  • Regal Petroleum Ukraine
  • GU “Ukrhazpromgeofizika”
  • SME “Ukrgeofizika”
  • SE “Usenko Ukraine”.

The main customers of the Tutkovsky PJSC are the following:

  • Hallibarton Ukraine LLC
  • LLC NTP "Drilling Equipment";
  • Geo-Alliance Group of Companies (PJSC “Natural Resources”);
  • Horizons Drilling Company LLC;
  • Horizons LLC;
  • Energofinance LLC;
  • Poltava Drilling Company LLC;
  • Spetsmehservice LLC;
  • Tisagaz PJSC
  • UkrBurservice Drilling Company LLC;
  • “UkrAgroNPK” PJSC;
  • Ukrnaftogazinvest LLC.